Spindrift: My History With the Gears of War Franchise
With Gears of War 4 coming out in October, I thought now was a good time to talk about my history with the franchise. Long time readers of my article will know that Gears of…
With Gears of War 4 coming out in October, I thought now was a good time to talk about my history with the franchise. Long time readers of my article will know that Gears of…
Apparently, if you’re going to make a modern western movie the title has to be an adjective followed by a number, preferably between five and ten. Well, we have another one of those westerns, and…
It has been confirmed that Bloodline will be ending in Season 3. This has been a great series, but I’m glad this choice was made. If they really wanted to I’m sure that they could…
DC and Marvel fans have been battling over who has better movies, comics, characters, etc. for years. Does it help in any way? Well, on a large scale, yes. Marvel and DC have to try…
With Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel coming out, DC and Marvel have decided to give the movies female directors. Wonder Woman will be the first movie that has a female director that was given a…
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4634306/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/custom-color/#87A93A” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] West by West Ave is a podcast about remakes, redos, retcons, and all other sorts of renovations of the intellectual properties we love from…
The first Titanfall game was super intriguing to me. The thought of normal infantry units fighting along side titans was just so cool and unique. As a whole, I enjoyed the game, although it didn’t…
The hashtag #7favdirectors was trending on Twitter the other day, and I figured I’d share my favorite directors in depth rather than a simple list. So here are my favorite directors and why they made…
Resnik here! Long time no see. This dad stuff is crazy awesome, and frustrating, and fun, and stress-inducing! TOTALLY WORTH IT! I got something to say, though, that has nothing to do with my awesome…
Although I wasn’t alive when it came out, Pete’s Dragon was one of my favorite childhood movies. I watched it countless times. When I heard that the Disney classic was getting a reboot, I was pretty…