
Respect Your Elders!

When it comes to comics, sometimes characters exist for no real purpose. This happens a lot, actually. Writers might come up with some random idea and put it to paper in order to fill panels…

Spindrift: DC, No More Extended Cuts

I love DC. Anyone who reads my articles will know that. That being said I can’t help but call them out right now though. I watched the Suicide Squad extended cut. It didn’t have anything phenomenally…

Spindrift: Thoughts on Kong – Skull Island

I love Peter Jackson, so naturally I love his adaptation of King Kong. I still think that it’s a great movie and one of the best monster movies of all time. After the new Godzilla…

Spindrift: Arrival

Arrival is a movie that combines some of my favorite elements put into film, and will probably end up being one of my favorite movies this year. I feel constricted reviewing this movie because I…