Spindrift: We’re Paying Attention to the Wrong Things
I was struggling to find a topic for this week when I came across something in YouTube. I noticed that a video was trending that was a compilation of Kim Kardashians snapchats about her getting…
I was struggling to find a topic for this week when I came across something in YouTube. I noticed that a video was trending that was a compilation of Kim Kardashians snapchats about her getting…
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4383722/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/custom-color/#87A93A” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Sean Sherman and Jesse Edmond have taken it upon themselves to review every film in a 100-film collection purchased for $15. We ask for…
I’ve played my fair share of video games over the last few years and wanted to talk about something that has been on a lot of gamer’s minds recently: Pay to Win games or…
As of this writing, there are 30 hours left to be part of the Savage Rifts revolution. Yesterday, the Savage Rifts team released an amazing video of a Savage Rifts game session from Chupacabracon in…
The first trailer for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon came out, and I’m very impressed. We got a lot of information, and surprisingly none of it was leaked beforehand. There was a gameplay heavy American trailer…
If you were playing tabletop role-playing games, back in 1990, along with calling them just ‘role-playing games’ (or ‘RPGs’) you were probably picking up one of a number of gaming magazines on a regular basis….
2016 seems to be the year that superheroes just can’t get along, and Captain America: Civil War reinforces that. I was looking forward to this for a couple of reasons. It was directed by the…
New York City is, quite simply, overwhelmingly cool. That is to say: it is a city that is really cool in an overwhelming way. I realize this is cliché, but there really is something there…
There’s a lot of games coming out over the next couple of months that have peaked my interest. I wanted to give my opinion on a few of them. Battleborn: Gearbox’s new game, battleborn, is…
I’m proud to say that I was apart of the original writers for DocPalindrome. I’ve had the chance to connect with so many interesting people over the course of a year and I’m looking forward…