Articles by Jordan R. T. Spencer

Spindrift: Some Thoughts on Gaming

  I’ve played my fair share of video games over the last few years and wanted to talk about something that has been on a lot of gamer’s minds recently: Pay to Win games or…

Spindrift: Captain America: Civil War

2016 seems to be the year that superheroes just can’t get along, and Captain America: Civil War reinforces that. I was looking forward to this for a couple of reasons. It was directed by the…

Spindrift: Games I’m Excited to Play

There’s a lot of games coming out over the next couple of months that have peaked my interest. I wanted to give my opinion on a few of them. Battleborn: Gearbox’s new game, battleborn, is…

Spindrift: One Year Later

I’m proud to say that I was apart of the original writers for DocPalindrome. I’ve had the chance to connect with so many interesting people over the course of a year and I’m looking forward…

Spindrift: Another Week of Trailers

We had another one of those weeks when we’re barraged with trailers, but I’m not complaining. I wanted to discuss my views on some of them like usual. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Star…