Welcome to the Second Year!
It’s been a year, one of them, since the official launch of DocPalindrome.com. In that time, we have said goodbye to Mr. Goldshaw and hello to Resnik, Alize Edeline, and Dr. Ellsworth Zirman. I’ve launched…
It’s been a year, one of them, since the official launch of DocPalindrome.com. In that time, we have said goodbye to Mr. Goldshaw and hello to Resnik, Alize Edeline, and Dr. Ellsworth Zirman. I’ve launched…
Happy first anniversary, Doc Palindrome! This week, there will be several posts related to our anniversary-this is the first of those posts, you know, for the first anniversary. I’m assuming you know because you are…
Jesse and Kristen Edmond are Marvel super fans who have taken it upon themselves to take a look at every Marvel Cinematic Universe film and discuss it in detail. We ask for your feedback, so…
We had another one of those weeks when we’re barraged with trailers, but I’m not complaining. I wanted to discuss my views on some of them like usual. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Star…
Well, that was a hell of a way to end a season. The Magicians has cast an elaborate spell these past 13 weeks by escalating the story while still keeping it believable and intertwined, and last…
The Wolf Among Us came out in 2013, but I just recently played it for the first time. What I found was myself playing a profoundly interesting and layered game that has both good plot…
Nicely done, The Magicians – it’s all starting to come together and the storylines are finally starting to overlap in a real way between the Brakebills Kids and Julia and the Free Trader Beowulf Gang. …
Tonight’s The Magicians had so much packed into it that I honestly couldn’t write this recap and review right away. In fact, I had to watch it twice all the way through and still had…
Batman v. Superman had a very strange release. It’s been a three year wait, since Man of Steel, for the next movie in the DCU. The critics tore this movie apart landing it at a…
Well the first reviews for Batman V Superman are out and it’s being hammered. At the time of writing this article it sits at a 41 percent on rotten tomatoes. This doesn’t completely surprise me…