Starman – Remembering David Bowie

Resnik here… I’m sad. I just found out about David Bowie’s passing. I’m a bit shocked, so it hasn’t fully set in yet, but I know I am full of a deep sadness. I was…

Where There’s Snoke, There’s Fire

Fan theories are great, right? I have to assume that, were there social media in 1977, someone would have thrown out ‘What if Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father?!?! lol jk #thankscarter’ with the response…

Spindrift: The Hateful Eight

I’ve always been a fan of Quentin Tarantino, not only his movies but his actions in society. He’s extremely unique and talented at what he does and he continues to show that with his most…

Spindrift: This is an Important Movie

After all of the Star Wars craze I was able to see a much different kind of movie… The Big Short. If you ever saw 99 Homes, another great movie, it’s similar to that but…

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Wars’ Weekend

As you may have noticed, we’ve been slim on content over the course of the last week. There is a reason. Star Wars. We’ve all been waiting to watch the cultural event of the decade…