Code: Blue
The comics: Code: Blue was introduced in Thor as a New York City Police Department response team focused on superhuman crimes and catastrophes. The team was a made up of police officers who each had a specific specialty which could be applied to dealing with super-normal threats.
As another resource for this, I would also look at Wildstorm’s amazing Stormwatch: Post-Human Division, which focused on normal people who had experience with super-powered threats dealing with them using accessibly tactics and equipment. While the series started strong, it went a little wonky in later issues, but as a reference for a series such as this, it would be perfect.
The series: Revolving around an elite team of NYPD officers led by Lieutenant Marcus Stone, the series would follow the team as they investigate a wide array of superhuman crime and super-power-related events. They would not have the personnel, experience, or resources of S.H.I.E.L.D., so the story-telling is remarkably different from that series; potentially offering options for Code: Blue (or whatever the team ends up being called) and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
It would be a slice-of-life series focusing on the effects of everything about reality shifting on it’s access through the eyes of normal people who only want to protect and serve. The conspiracy aspect of AoS would be absent, but it would be replaced by the potentially traumatic effect of normal humans discovering that men can fly, aliens exist, and alternate dimensions are real.
Why they would watch: Police procedural dramas have been popular as long as television has existed as a medium. Code: Blue would be exactly this, but in a world that is remarkably different and where crimes can have means, results, and even motives that are impossible in the real world.
Here are the links to the other articles:
Marvel Concepts that Could be Turned into Amazing Ensemble Shows, Part 1 (Man-Thing, Weirdworld, and Legion of Monsters)
Marvel Concepts that Could be Turned into Amazing Ensemble Shows, Part 3 (Excelsior Models/Models, Inc.)
Marvel Concepts that Could be Turned into Amazing Ensemble Shows, Part 4 (The Initiative)
Marvel Concepts that Could be Turned into Amazing Ensemble Shows, Part 5 (Wrecking Crew, Howard the Duck, Moon Knight)