April 2015

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We DO NOT Apologize for the Delay

As many of you know, Mr. Jesse Edmond endeavors to be the driving, creative force behind docpalindrome.com. As such, we have entrusted him with continuing to develop content and ensure that the content produced by…

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Kholyderz – Worldfall

[NOTE: As Mr. Edmond is currently in the process of aging and getting married on the other side of the United States from his usual side of the United States, we have opted, against his…

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Things I Noticed Last Week – 4.6.2015

[NOTE: As Mr. Goldshaw indicated in his strongly worded email to us, we are late putting up his column. Mr. Goldshaw wanted to ensure that you, dear readers, were aware that he holds the utmost…

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Spindrift: A Little Bit of Music

One of the most disregarded aspects of movies are the soundtracks and/or scores. A movie can be completely changed by the way a soundtrack effects it. The right use of a song in a scene…