London, England – Just in time to report on Donald Trump’s historically embarrassing Tulsa rally, a delivery arrived to the London-based headquarters of the Right-leaning online publication that focuses on manipulating American voters, for reasons that remain shrouded in secrecy like the existence of Bigfoot or the motivations of the Illuminati. The delivered package contained the annual shipment of buzzwords that Daily Mail enjoys, each year, to ensure they can keep up with ‘current trends.’
Doc Palindrome spoke with Daily Mail’s Associate Executive on Trend Fabrication, User Location Tracking and Overnight Parking Lot Sweeper, Zippy Gerbilbiscuits, who offered some details on the delivery and what it contained.
‘Obviously, it took some time for us to stop chuckling at the word “package,” Gerbilbiscuits says, ‘But once those mandatory 80 minutes were up, we quickly got to the work of going through the contents and determining the best use of each buzz word that the package cont…’
At this point, in the phone call, Gerbilbiscuits chuckled to himself for 7 minutes and 23 seconds.

When he was able to collect himself, Gerbilbiscuits explained that Daily Mail receives regular deliveries of buzz words to ensure that content can retain its ‘freshness’ and continue to be ‘dope.’ This particular delivery had been delayed due to the limitations caused by COVID-19.
‘No one was bloody happy about that,’ he says, ‘We expected to have it in sometime before the end of March, and here it is June and we’re just getting it. It’s entirely possible that more buzz words have been created in the interim.’
Despite this, Gerbilbiscuits seemed genuinely excited to utilize some of the buzz words they had received.
‘I think my favorite is “Animal Crossing,”‘ he says, ‘Which I can only assume is something to do when an “undesirable” betrays another “undesirable.”‘
Despite the fact that our Zoom call was audio only, Gerbilbiscuits insisted on forwarding me a GIF of him making finger quotes so that I would ‘understand that I am being metaphorical.’
‘I just want you to understand that by “undesirables” we mean everyone that isn’t white or male or whatnot.’ says Gerbilbiscuits before requesting me to keep that last sentence ‘off the record’ to which I replied that I would not.
Gerbilbiscuits eventually continued to tell me the contents of the buzz word delivery.
‘Zoomer, K-pop, TikTok, and AOC were all contained in the packa… box.’ he says, clearly repressing a snicker, ‘We’re pretty sure we have an idea as to what some of those are, and we had to check if anyone in the office might be high on any of them.’

When I explained that not one of those was a drug, Gerbilbiscuits scoffed.
‘I am pretty sure no one is delivering cartons of buzz words to your house.’
Also among the buzz words Daily Mail received were, ‘influencer,’ ‘cobot,’ ‘quarantini,’ and ‘seaganism.’
‘I’m very excited about “seaganism,”‘ says Gerbilbiscuits, ‘Because I’m pretty sure it’s a sex thing and I really hope it’s what we can call it when one spits in one’s mouth because it make it rather handy to order over a phone line.’
When we inquired as to why the buzz words didn’t come with definitions, Gerbilbiscuits became rather agitated.
‘Do you’ve any clue how long that would take to carve?’ he says, ‘We need these every year to keep up with the changes to slang, ordering them with definitions would take those bloody kids forever!’
The obvious follow-up question of why have them carved was met with outright rage.
‘Listen you wanker, we know what we’re doing! We’ve been doing this for a long time! Do you have any buzz words delivered to you? Do you?!’
We apologized for the impertinence and Gerbilbiscuits proceeded to calm down after using some choice and unprintable slurs. Eventually, we asked about what uses the Daily Mail intended for the buzz words, Gerbilbiscuits became excited.
‘We plan on depositing a bevy of them on our article where we make up some conspiracy theory for the lack of attendance at the Trump rally going on later today.’ he says, ‘We’ve picked out a few great ones and have some half-decent guesses as to what they mean. That will really own the libs!’

As we prepared for the thankful end of this interview, Gerbilbiscuits was asked as to what his plans were after this.
‘Oh, I’ve got to sweep up the lot.’
He was then asked as to what was his personal favorite buzz word received.
‘”Thot!”‘ he reports, excitedly, ‘It’s a great word because it really keys in on what we’ve been focusing on. The deep state Left thinks that people like Boris [Johnson] and Donald [Trump] are unintelligent, but that word allows us show that both men are very intelligent. We already have the headline for it:
‘”Trump and Boris Johnson Meet to Share A Great Many Thots.”‘
Other news sources were unwilling or unable to comment on this story through their peels of laughter.