At 9 AM, Central Time, on January 10 , 2020, the National Agency for Space Agency… wait… National Administration, Space Agents… let me look this up…
At 9 AM, Central Time, on January 10 , 2020, (which has been scientifically proven to be a time zone that most Americans generally ignore) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced the newest class of astronauts, The Turtles, indicating that they would be the next class of astronauts to travel to the Moon, as part of the first Artemis, which has a stated goal of eventually traveling to Mars.
This comes shortly after the airing of the 10th episode and season finale of the critically-watched Apple TV+ series, For All Mankind. For those readers that are unaware, For All Mankind revolves around NASA in an alternate universe where the Soviet Union was the first to land on the Moon. The specifics as to how this occurred remain unexplored, in the series, but it can be surmised that it has a great deal to do with the awesome space propaganda posters the Soviet Union used during their 1960s space program.

The series navigates the specifics around what comes next for NASA with some historical characters and mostly fictional characters creating more and more intricate missions to the Moon’s orbit; eventually reaching a point where a small base is landed near a source of water. The political and social ramifications of space exploration are intricately explored by these characters in ways that are legitimately moving and I definitely cried through a lot of the final episode of the season.
With the announcement on Friday, NASA Officials are clearly admitting that they too, cried during that 10th episode (which aired on December 20, 2019), entitled A City Upon a Hill. This should come as no shock as the very serious-acting people working at NASA have to be, to some extent, dreamers who believe that the impossible can be possible and lead with their heart rather than their head.

‘I love you, Soviet Chris Pine!’
There are rumors that some other element of the United States government might have pushed for this initiative, but this is categorically untrue as the individual making that claim tends to leak misinformation, untruth, and inaccuracies any time his big, stupid mouth opens. Instead, trusted sources within organizations have indicated that this initiative is moving forward solely based on the moving story from the Apple TV+ program.
Further government response regarding Apple TV+ programming around evil dolls, worldwide blindness, and morning news politics was not forthcoming.
We will endeavor to keep readers aware of any further hyperbolic elements that are disclosed as this story moves forward.

For All Mankind is amazing, one of my favorite seasons of a show, ever.
The Artemis Space Mission is descended from an Obama-era initiative begun in 2010. In 2017, Trump signed an Executive Order to basically continue doing what Obama had started regarding space exploration.
Those Soviet posters are way cooler than they should be! Check ’em out at this link!