We’re back, bitches.
Like, literally. Season 2 of the The Magicians premiered on Syfy Wednesday night, and I’m back writing. After a long hiatus due to a series of self-inflicted mishaps with my computer (bit of advice – do not attempt to buy collectibles at 3 AM with a full glass of iced tea directly next to your laptop – laptops REALLY hate having iced tea spilled on them), I was as excited to be able to write about The Magicians again as Quentin was when he first spotted Christopher Plover’s writing desk.
And while this is our first recap/review from Season 2, there will be an update coming soon from San Diego Comic Con last summer, with all of the pictures I creepily took from the front row of the panel. Timeliness!
But for now, I will settle for overanalyzing the start of Season 2. There were so many challenges to perceptions in this episode, it was hard to keep up. But hopefully, given that this is the first episode of the new season, we will have many more weeks to dig through these initial impressions and see where we were right (and wrong) about our favorite sorcerers.
As always, spoilers (so stop here if you haven’t already watched the episode), and analysis to boot.
The Aftermath
The episode opens with Quentin frantically running through a Fillorian forest searching for assistance for his friends, who he believes to all be dead or horribly maimed (don’t worry Penny, Quentin’s out looking for someone to give you a hand…heh). He comes across a healing witch, who lives in a cottage inspired by the villain of Hansel and Gretel. But like most of the characters in this episode, people aren’t exactly what they seem.
Turns out she’s a healing witch, and as payment, she demands a vial of Quentin’s blood. Because that seems like something that would never come back to bite Q in the ass. But left with little choice to save his friends, he provides her with his blood and takes her back to the Wellspring where he has left the gang.
In the meantime, however, Alice’s swallowing of the seed of Umber has made her impossible to kill (for the time being), and she revives Eliot and Margo. While she can’t reattach Penny’s hands, she does make things more manageable for him by cauterizing the wounds, covering his stumps and placing his hands in a rather pretty box that would be great for treasure (or hands). Quentin, realizing he doesn’t need the witch’s help, asks for his blood back, but she’s not having that as she still needed to be compensated for the time she spent following him through the forest. Though she does give him a bit of advice that is even more valuable than his blood:
“You’re in Fillory, Magician. Be careful with strangers.”
Which is a little life rule that’s also relevant on Earth, but is particularly helpful in Fillory, as we will see later in the episode.
The gang makes a plan to get rejuvenated by the Wellspring that the Beast has been using for years, only to find that it is nearly dry and that only Alice can open it as she’s currently jacked up on the ‘Ber.
Abandoning the Wellspring after their efforts to pull up a bucket of the remaining water causes a small earthquake, the gang decides to regroup at Eliot’s temporary home in Fillory, and along the way, Quentin shares with them what Julia’s motivations were for taking the Beast hostage.
Julia & The Beast
The Magicians very own Odd Couple, Julia & Martin (The Beast) travel back to Earth, ending up in the ball pit of a Chuck E Cheese style restaurant.
Julia binds Martin to her service over shitty pizza in exchange for the blade originally given to the gang by Eliot’s new father-in-law,provided he helps kill Reynard the Fox (who, if you don’t remember from last season was a trickster god who sexually assaulted Julia). She also manages to negotiate (well, negotiate is a bit generous – threaten is more appropriate) amnesty for herself and the Brakebills kids back in Fillory during their mission, but maybe she should have also stipulated that the Beast wouldn’t harm anyone else either, since Martin disturbingly eyes up the children playing in the restaurant in a rather predatory way.
Julia also notes that she will put down the blade after Reynard is dead, allowing the Beast to take it, rather than handing it over. Her intelligence seems to pleasantly surprise Martin, and their tentative agreement goes into effect.
Meanwhile, Back in Fillory…
When they get to Eliot’s temporary home, they are eagerly greeted by Eliot’s new wife Fen, who, after an awkward exchange with her husband, offers to make everyone something to eat. Quentin consults his Fillory and Further book (I think-it was super hard to see the title even with screenshots) and shares with them that Rupert Chatwin, Martin’s younger brother, possibly used Battle Magic from the Fillorian Armory, along with a bit of Ember and Umber (seriously, in a completely magical land, there has to be a less sticky way to get the power of a god…), and may have ended World War II. That seems a little presumptive, given the number of soldiers killed on all sides, but whatever gives our gang hope, let’s go with it.
The Armory is located in Castle Whitespire, which fortunately, is accessible to King Eliot. There’s also a carriage that circles the area that is at the king’s disposal for travel. Eliot encourages everyone to grab some snacks for the trip, when Penny very literally points out of the futility of that gesture for him in the best possible way:
Arjun Gupta plays this beautifully; he’s typical Penny, getting right to the issue, but there is a vulnerability in his eyes that his words can’t really mask. He asks about Chatwin’s Torrent, and Eliot points out that is a healing river. While they are unsure if it can re-attach hands, Penny figures it’s his best shot and heads off alone. Margo, however, stops him and volunteers to go along, noting that she can get some healing water for everyone, since the Wellspring thing didn’t really work out for them.
But I’m thinking here, that Margo’s not as interested in getting the water as she is in getting away from Eliot and Fen as quickly as possible. Hopefully we will get a little Penny – Margo action this season if they are going to place this wedge of Fen between the best friends. They have great chemistry, and Summer Bishil is showing a softer side to Margo this episode – I will be interested to see where they go with this given her role in the books as High Queen.
Off to Whitespire
Eliot, Quentin and Alice head out to look for the carriage, which appears surprisingly quickly. To their dismay, the carriage won’t take them anywhere because Eliot can’t prove he’s the king – he doesn’t yet have a crown. Alice is also disappointed, as she coos over the horses like Tina Belcher riding her imaginary horse Jericho, only to find these horses to be extremely rude.
Alice logically points out that without a crown, they also weren’t going to be admitted to Castle Whitespire. Quentin consults Fillory and Further again for assistance, finding that there is a specific coronation spot across the Rainbow Bridge. Eliot’s response is classic Eliot, but when you examine it a little further, it’s rather telling of his underlying perception of taking on the responsibility of his new role as king:
Hale Appleman continues to display the complexity of Eliot as intricately as he did in Season 1, balancing the dichotomy between the assertive front he puts up and his underlying fears. Eliot’s reaction to the concept of the Rainbow Bridge is to make light of it with a joke, but he can’t quite hide the panic in his eyes about the fact that once he crosses that bridge and is crowned, his fate is sealed. Like the family pet moving onto another world after death, he would ultimately be alone, bound to Fillory. Yes, he has Fen, but earlier when she offered to make the group food, his comments about her show that he is still hesitant about his decision to accept the responsibility of High King, and his responsibilities as a husband.
“I think I like her. I hope I like her.”
Quentin, however, reassures him that it is called the Rainbow Bridge because of the flowers that cover it. While there is no indication in his book of where to find the bridge, the group decides to use a location spell to look for it, one initially used by Martin Chatwin. After Eliot casts the spell, they follow the small swarm of petals towards the bridge.
Law and Order: Special Magicians Unit
Back at Julia’s apartment, her and Martin discuss the distinctive way in which Reynard kills his victims. Julia is reading Twitter police scanner feeds on her laptop, looking for any crimes related to people, you know, having their hearts ripped out, and to no one’s surprise, a case pops up from Florida.
In a very Supernatural-esque approach to investigating crime, Julia and Martin make their way to the house, with Julia transforming her license into an ID as a representative from Child Protective Services. With her taking on the Sam role and talking to a child at the scene, Martin serves as the Dean of the duo, making his way into the scene to examine the bodies.
In what I assumed was another clever nod to Supernatural and its penchant for sly (and sometimes ridiculous) fake identification (before reading that Lev Grossman gave Julia this as her full name in the books), Julia transfigures hers to “Julia Ogden Wicker.”
OK, I get it, there’s nothing really special then if that was her given name. But indulge me this speculation for a moment, because I found it interesting, plus I worked hard on finding pictures that support my wild presumptions. Julia Ogden was a psychiatrist on Murdoch Mysteries, a 2004 Canadian TV series, where she served as partner to Detective William Murdoch. Charles Mesure, who plays Martin, has also worked on numerous crime serials over the past 15 years. In what I hope is not foreshadowing (which, it probably isn’t, given that I don’t think was an intentional parallel; but maybe I do hope it is a little more foreshadowing, I haven’t made up my mind yet about Martin), Murdoch and Ogden end up not just as partners, but as lovers and married by the end of the series.
What Martin is showing Julia in that first picture is this:
Martin finds it among the carnage in the house…
…and reassures Julia that the trip was not entirely pointless, as they now know what attracts Reynard. They head back to her apartment, and Martin explains to her that there is an archaic spell for casting a net to catch a god. He gives her a list of items that he needs to create the net, and again creepily asks her to drop him off at the playground to watch children after she notes that some of the items she should obtain alone.
Mr. Mister…or Mr. River Watcher
Penny and Margo have reached Chatwin’s Torrent, and encounter the River Watcher, an awkward, yet sleazy man who offers to help sew Penny’s hands back on before he submerges himself into the healing waters.
Penny makes his way into the water, and at first, I was a little annoyed that all we were going to get was Arjun Gupta’s back in this scene, but no…no…the careful observer is treated to much more.
As Penny is healing his hands, the River Watcher hits on Margo, in what can only be described as a scene that should show up under stock photography when one does a search of “ways not to hit on a woman.”

The only way this could have been better was if he slipped in somewhere about Earth girls being easy…
Penny emerging from the water interrupts the River Watcher’s attempts at winning over Margo, and instead he tries to sell them on additional potions and powders as Penny gets dressed. In what I initially thought was Penny feeling humbled by, you know, almost permanently losing his hands, i.e. the things he uses to practice magic, he gently tells the other man thank you, but no thank you.
The River Watcher then requests a tip of 20 gold coins for providing assistance, and then offers them the opportunity to pay him back in labor over the course of three to 5 years when they question the amount of the requested gold. Penny finally loses his shit, accusing the River Watcher of being a con artist not even officially affiliated with the torrent, which he points out is a public resource in Fillory.
Margo attempts to smooth things over, offering the River Watcher her diamond earrings as payment, but apparently the gemstone is not valued in Fillory. When Penny urges her to leave with him, she turns over the healing water she collected instead. As the head away from the torrent, their “helper” casts his own spell, causing a swirl of green magic to weaken the healing Penny just did.
Across the Rainbow Bridge and Back in Time
As Eliot, Alice and Quentin make their way to the Rainbow Bridge, Margo and Penny catch up to them, having received a note from Alice as to where they were headed. The five make their way to the bridge, with only a slight moment of concern when Penny briefly doesn’t seem to be in control of his left hand.
But it is soon forgotten as they cross an incredibly beautiful bridge, which honestly any family pet would probably romp about on happily before proceeding to death.

Thank goodness you can’t take a car on this thing, I think there would be far, far too many distracted drivers
The beauty continues as the gang comes upon the Knight of Crowns, who is either sleeping or dead on the beach just outside of two half buried statues of Ember and Umber. Penny attempts to awaken him, but he wakes up on his own before Penny can touch him. Turns out he was dead after waiting for so long for the next Children of Earth to claim the crowns.
Eliot steps forward as High King, but of course there is a test.
And what a test it was. Questioned with trivia about pop culture from the 1990’s, we learned that both Alice and Margo love Winston-Phillips’ “Hold On,” and that Quentin was a “Wings” fan. But it’s Eliot, who hasn’t yet answered a question, who needs to prove that he is the true king.
In a scene that could have only been made more amazing by Eliot picking up Alice afterwards, he re-enacts the pivotal scene from Dirty Dancing, with himself as Johnny Castle/Patrick Swayze, and Alice as Baby.
And while it was super amusing to see Hale Appleman play Johnny Castle, the quote he uses is pretty indicative of what they’ve been going through in their little magical family:
Sorry for the interruption, folks, but I always do the last dance of the season. This year somebody told me not to. So I’m gonna do my kind of dancin’ with a great partner, who’s not only a terrific dancer, but somebody… who’s taught me… that there are people willing to stand up for other people no matter what it costs them. Somebody who’s taught me about the kind of person I wanna be. Miss Frances Houseman.
The fact that he selected Alice to be Frances (Baby) is also pretty appropriate, given how she behaves later in the episode when talking to Quentin (and this quote is from Dirty Dancing, but it might as well have been their conversation after the coronation):
Me? I’m scared of everything. I’m scared of what I saw, I’m scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.
In any case, the Knight of Crowns immediately bows to Eliot following the re-enactment, and provides him with the crowns.
The Royalty of Fillory
Eliot opens the trunk with the four crowns, and one of the most beautiful scenes between the next kings and queens unfolds. I literally went from laughing at the Dirty Dancing quotes to immediately weeping through this scene.
The four crowns are varying degrees of sparkliness, and Eliot selects the simplest of the four. Now, I’m not sure if there was a specific one for the High King, or if Eliot chose that one specifically, but he doesn’t even bother to try to hide his nervousness at the idea of being king as he suggests they just all put on the crowns, without any fanfare. This was heart breaking, because for Eliot to not even bother with the pomp and circumstance of becoming royalty meant that deep down, he wasn’t really sure about this at all and wanted to draw the least amount of attention to his role by having them all put the crowns on together.
But Quentin’s not having any of that; he demands that they recognize it for the honor that it is. He commands Eliot to kneel, and then proceeds to deliver a speech that was not so much grandiose, but more since affection and happiness for his friend. Jason Ralph and Hale Appleman are both so genuine here, with Ralph mixing Quentin’s awkwardness at creating fanfare mixed with his adoration of this man, who looked out for him as he entered the strange world of Brakebills and magic without judgement.
Appleman delivers equal complexity as he tears up at Quentin’s words, both touched by his sentiments, and proud that his fellow choice of king was the right one based on Quentin’s recognition of the seriousness of the coronation. There’s another example of the sincerity of their friendship later in the episode, but this was the first instance where I finally understood the concept of “platonic life partner” (as my husband and his best friend refer to each other).
Quentin dubs the new High King, Eliot the Spectacular, after Eliot doesn’t think that brave or merciful is the right moniker. High King Eliot then moves on to crowning his High Queen, and we are treated to classic Margo-Eliot affection:
Eliot names her High Queen Margo the Destroyer (but he means it in the best possible way). Taking her hand to help her arise, he quietly tells her before kissing her forehead:
“I have known what you truly are since the day we met. Long may you reign.”
For Quentin and Alice, Eliot and Margo use the crowning as an opportunity to start to make amends for last season’s threesome, with Eliot apologizing for the betrayal, and restoring Alice’s confidence in herself by naming her Queen Alice, the Wise.
Margo follows a similar path with Quentin, although her apology is more in regards to the fact that she ruined something good for him (which was his relationship to Alice), rather than the sex. She also dubs him one of the best names ever, which will probably not play out as well in formal announcements as it does with just the five of them on the beach:
“I hereby crown you King Quentin, the Moderately Socially Maladjusted.”
The royal party takes a break for food and introspection before continuing on to the castle. Penny attempts to build the group a fire, but his initial spell casting doesn’t quite work. He tries again, which does start the fire, but to his dismay, his left arm flies painfully up in the air, as if controlled by someone else, which prompts him to realize that he needs to return to the torrent and try to make amends with the River Watcher. Because, as Margo puts it, he was a “raging douche.”
Alice and Quentin have a hesitant heart to heart about Quentin’s betrayal, he encourages her to be who she is meant to be, and then they end up kissing again, as any wise and moderately socially maladjusted couple would. Over the fire, Alice tells Quentin that she’s still frightened that she will freeze again in front of the Beast, so Quentin takes her out to a field and plants a seed in the ground.
Despite her not being a Naturalist, Alice remains calm and confident, and she manages to magically cultivate a full-grown apple tree within about 30 seconds. Olivia Taylor Dudley is transformative herself in this scene; you can see her growing emotionally with the spell. Again, Quentin is helping her to literally blossom, and despite his earlier betrayal, Alice can’t deny her attraction to him, particularly the part of Quentin that makes her feel good about herself.
The Shadiness of Martin Chatwin
Martin and Julia are working on putting together the net for Reynard, and he ponders as to why Julia was spared when her friends were not. She shuts down the conversation, causing him to deduce that she was a victim as well, but in a way that was far more painful and lingering than the brutal, but mercifully quick, option of death.
The conversation that unfolds between Stella Maeve and Charles Mesure reflects the underlying honesty and intimacy of this episode. Mesure presents us with a sympathetic figure as he shares with her that every time they were alone, the man who was supposed to care for him instead bent him over a desk and had his way with him. Julia sarcastically responds with the suggestion that perhaps she should take over a world, and kill a bunch of grad students 39 times to get over it, and his chuckle before explaining to her where that unending pain comes from is completely unabashed. Martin owns his trauma, and he owns his methods for dealing with it, and their consequences. He took back the power from Plover, and recognizing Julia’s potential, wants her to do the same.
He tells her about her Shade, a tiny beating heart within her soul that is responsible for the overwhelming pain she is feeling. It is also responsible for love, but he also perceptively points out that she’s more likely to kill herself than ever love again. Maeve demonstrates a frightening amount of vulnerability and underlying desperation as Julia, showing her character’s overwhelming desire to figure out something to control this pain, but also recognizing that she is considering making a pact with the devil, as Martin continues on, offering to help her sever her Shade so that she feels better.
She refuses, and in a curious turn, Martin merely tells her to let him know if she changes her mind, and shuffles off with his odd soft shoe dancing he likes to do to leave her with her thoughts.
Later in the episode, Julia asks Martin why he wants to help her with her Shade. He notes that he wants Julia to live, which seems a little bit off, given his own existence. He then shows her what it could be like without a Shade by starting to pull it out, but she stops him at the last second by telling him to put it back. I have to admit, I had a brief flash of this moment from Family Guy after she told him to stop:
After he stops, Martin very wisely points out that keeping her Shade may help her win the battle, but not the war. They may kill Reynard, but he still will have won.
I am not sure what to make of Martin at this point; given that he has severed his own Shade, he shouldn’t really be able to care for Julia, but I honestly believe that he does. They are kindred spirits in several ways; both of them had their lives destroyed by Jane Chatwin’s manipulations, both were abused in horrible ways, and both are powerful magicians who don’t want to be tethered to their pain. However, I don’t think either of them has enough life experience, given Martin’s early escape to Fillory, and Julia’s age, to recognize that on the opposite side of horrific pain lies the possibility of unimaginable love. I think Martin’s intentions may be genuine, but he’s really not someone who Julia should be taking existential advice from. But then he’s still rather creepy, what with all the humming and step ball changing and booping Julia’s forehead like she’s a small child.
I can’t completely tell whether this is all just a wildly elaborate manipulation, which would be in Martin’s wheelhouse, or if he is allowing himself to be vulnerable, recognizing a possible formidable collaborator. Or if he’s appearing vulnerable as part of said wildly complex manipulation in order to win her over, since he realizes that she could be a threat to him, given control of her power. It’s a testament to Mesure’s work as Martin that his intentions are so unclear at the moment.
Back in Fillory…
The gang (sans Penny) makes their way to Castle Whitespire, to find that there is a large contingent of subjects from the Pickwick family that have been awaiting their arrival for quite some time. Tick Pickwick, royal advisor, shares with Eliot that there have been some minor problems in the absence of a king, one of which is that the throne room remains locked. Eliot requests to go to the Armory, but they are sorely disappointed when they arrive.
The Armory, which should have been filled with books on battle magic, only contains reference books such as one related to strategies for trapping tomato eating garden fairies. Alice finds a workbook on spells, but without the actual spells inside. Looking at the cover of the book, she deduces that they will need to return to Brakebills to secure the spells.
Penny, meanwhile, is facing similar challenges of hitting a brick wall as he tries to plead for mercy from the River Watcher.

While Penny’s on the right path, this River Watcher dude ultimately deserves a different type of hand gesture
The man refuses, noting that Penny needed to learn that there were consequences to his actions, even if they were just glib words spoken in casual arrogance. He also notes that this is a good lesson for Penny to learn, given his upcoming position. Penny, rightfully confused, demands answers and begs for forgiveness, to which the River Watcher replies with a response Penny can truly understand:
“Go fuck yourself.”
The Rebirth of Queliot
One of the last scenes of the episode, this is the one that did me in the most emotionally, and I really, really understood the term “platonic life partner” after their exchange. Eliot is sadly sitting in his chambers, when Quentin comes to say goodbye as the rest of the gang heads back to Brakebills.
It’s here that we see the loneliness and fear Eliot has been experiencing in its most raw form, and he’s been trying to hide it the entire episode. He knows time doesn’t work the same in Fillory as it does on Earth, and that he is potentially destined to be in an obligated marriage without his friends around him, possibly for the rest of his days. And Eliot needs people he loves, and who love him back, around him desperately.
The relationship between Quentin and Eliot has an easiness to it that grew through season 1; while Eliot rambles on about seeing things as an adventure, and that he wants to introduce champagne to the kingdom, and drink socially, like the French, Quentin stands quietly in the doorway, letting his friend babble about alcohol, with both of them knowing that the fact that Fillory hasn’t heard of champagne isn’t the real issue here.
Quentin tries to assuage some of Eliot’s fears as he opens up, but neither man can truthfully acknowledge that things are going to be fine. After a sad, quiet moment of acceptance, Eliot gives Quentin permission to hug him, as without it, it would be extremely disrespectful to touch a king. Of course Quentin is also a king, but whatever, we get what the real message from Eliot is here, and so does Quentin.
The two men hug in a loving embrace, but there’s nothing sexual about it. It is simply love. Eliot, though has to deflect from his emotions slightly by also giving Quentin permission to squeeze his ass, which breaks the heavy moment between the two.
I get the male best friend aesthetic now. I could literally see my husband and his best friend doing this, the only difference being that his friend would have claimed kings’ rights and squeezed my spouse’s ass without waiting for permission. I realize all of this review has been praise, but I have to give even more praise to Appleman and Ralph for their work in this scene.
Hell, praise for everyone in this episode – it was an intense and intimate start to Season 2.
Q & A & Thoughts about Q & A & Everyone Else
- Kudos to cinematographer Elie Smolkin and director Chris Fisher for their work on this episode. The visuals in this it are a striking reflection of the underlying emotions the gang is dealing with: uncertainty, awe, intimacy. It demonstrates yet another layer to this show, and one that can be a deep enhancement to the careful viewer. Here are just a few examples:
- In response to Alice being able to access the Wellspring when no one else could: “Wow, swallowing has its privileges.” Oh Margo…
- I have utterly missed seeing these actors cast spells. The fact that they are Magicians is starting to work itself more into their natural movements, from Quentin’s slight hand gesture when explaining a spell, to Eliot’s graceful movement in casting the flower spell, to Alice’s gestures when growing a tiny seed into a full grown apple tree, to Penny’s forcefulness in trying to build a fire.
- Why didn’t Penny recognize that the River Watcher was casting that malicious spell on his hands? Like, if he can read minds, shouldn’t he have had some perception of what was happening at that moment?
- I really hope we get Kady back this season – Jade Tailor brings an edginess to the gang that they are missing with Penny in a vulnerable place.
- I will be curious to see how this season may parallel the current state of politics in the US right now; after all, there’s already an amateur, smug Fillorian citizen who seized power over a public resource, trumped himself up as someone important, and took it upon himself to literally restrict people’s movements who dared to speak against him, particularly the Children of Earth, who he sees as alien to Fillory:
Oops, sorry, grabbed the wrong picture:
- As the episode went on, I started to feel like “The Beast” is somewhat of a misnomer. Given the abuse he endured from Plover, was he watching the children at the restaurant, and asking to visit the playground, in order to watch out for their safety, rather than perpetuating the abuse? When he asks to go to the playground, he assures Julia that it’s perfectly innocent, and maybe it really is.
- At one point, Quentin tells Alice, “you can’t lose me.” Yes, lines like that are never indicative of something horrible to come…
- Please tell me we are going to get more of Tick Pickwick, played by the fabulous Rizwan Manji. While he has been in numerous projects, the last one I spotted him in was during an episode of Another Period on Comedy Central, and he made the show even funnier with his role as Prince Apato, a suitor for sisters Lillian and Beatrice. Seems that working with/as royalty definitely suits Manji.
- Martin Chatwin is a fan of Rick and Morty. Martin is winning me over, little by little…
Next Week
There’s not much on Syfy’s website on Episode 2, “Hotel Spa Potions.” But apparently it involves help from a pixie, cacodemons (whatever the hell those are within the context of The Magicians), and an old enemy. If the cacodemons are like those from Doom, they are super adorable, but I would imagine the ones in Fillory are probably a little different.
Until then, have some champagne and Physical Kids cocktails to celebrate the new royal family of Fillory!
All photos other than those listed below from The Magicians, Season 2, Episode 1 “Knight of Crowns” on Syfy.com
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby GIF: http://bit.ly/2jmY739
Bob’s Burgers, Season 6, Episode 17: “The Horse Riderer”
10 Great Moments from Supernatural Season 10, Episode 14 – The Executioner’s Song: http://bit.ly/2kGqciz
Murdoch Mysteries from “You’ve Been Hooked:” http://bit.ly/2jKPaPw
Family Guy, Season 4, Episode 9 – “Breaking Out is Hard to Do”
Amanda Wicks, “Another Period Shows How Antiquated The Bachelor Really Is:” http://bit.ly/2jmNc9j
Daily Mail UK, “Even Hillary Can’t Fake a Smile! Trump is Repeatedly Booed…:” http://dailym.ai/2edIMAp
The Doom Wiki, “Cacodemon:” http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Cacodemon